Sunday, November 22, 2009


I have so many BIG things on my mind lately. It's hard to even put them into words for people who are not in my brain to even comprehend and I know that makes me sound like a crazy person, which sometimes I think I am.

One of the big things was taken care of yesterday, thank goodness. I'm so thankful for the guys that came out yesterday and helped get the steel on the new building at the farm. It's been a level of stress for all of us since my dad broke his foot. There is still more to do before the heifers can be fed in there, but at least the rest of it my very resourceful brother can do a lot easier by himself. 26' sheets of tin are a little hard to maneuver alone!

The rest of the things I can't talk about - well, at least I shouldn't yet. I've been praying and God knows the needs. He is in control of all things.

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